
Building repositioning: an innovation need for owners?

GAYA / Oct 13, 2022 7:41:17 PM / Corporativo

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In a context where we have all been forced to leave our workspace, the repositioning of buildings has become an interesting alternative, due to the effects that the pandemic has left on the real estate market for corporate buildings.




Corporate buildings were undoubtedly one of the properties most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Changes in work modalities have been clearly reflected in the offer of cheaper rents, the reduction of sq. ft. and, in the worst of cases, in empty buildings.


In addition to this, the real estate market became extremely competitive as a result of the decrease in prices by new developments.

With all this in mind and knowing that 70% of work activities can be carried out remotely in Mexico (according to Shared Value data), the uncertainty of landlords or building owners seems to continue.


Due to this situation, many owners have begun to consider the option of repositioning, in order to maintain the useful life of their properties.


The workspace is reinvented, what about corporate buildings?

As we know, repositioning aims to maintain the competitiveness of a building, minimizing its vacancy rate, by adapting its facilities to new market needs and trends.

To do this, building owners must "reimagine" the structure of their
business, clarifying issues such as:


  • Is it convenient that the building continues to be exclusively for corporate use?
  • What would be the implications of transforming it into a mixed-usebuilding, for example?
  • Is it worth transforming considering its location?
  • What amenities could be implemented to obtain a more competitive building??


The point is how to be adaptable to remain profitable, and thus avoid having to incur rental prices below what was planned.


Building Repositioning: Beyond Modifying a Workspace


Despite the benefits that owners can obtain by repositioning their building, rethinking a change in the use of a building is a complex task.

Well, it is not about developing a new design for corporate spaces, but about analyzing risks and benefits to determine what will be the optimal use of the property. That is why repositioning goes beyond a simple visible

In this sense, the presence of a General Contractor with extensive experience, such as GAYA, is key. This will be a guarantee of satisfactory results in terms of planning, construction quality and profitability.

Yes. The market is changing, but we are the ones who must adapt to the market and not the other way around. Today, the owners of the buildings must study the new needs, in order to reinvent themselves to continue in force in their business.

At GAYA, we want to help your building become an icon of real estate solutions.


From reimagining the real estate concept, going through all the planning phases, to reaching the finished product of your dreams, we maximize the return on your investment by synergizing with the best specialists in the industry and by integrating the most advanced construction technologies worldwide.


Contact us and lets transform the workspaces of your building!




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